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Monday, December 31, 2012


看着面子书每一次刷新后都有不一样的小祝福还有各式各样的大道理说着我们该怎么结束2012年,才发觉2013真的要来了, 但我说自己的大道理是自己活出来的。 Theory 归theory,  怎样apply才是王道。 本来想说巴刹篇会是个为adzuki 画上2012句点的一篇,  但我想对于这份突如其来的纠结, 我也该好好把它整理一番。

2012年, 21岁; 才真正感觉到自己是个长大了的个体了; 要为自己的未来开始打算、要为自己的言语修饰、要为自己的举止负责任。 
我不敢说自己做得很好,甚至要说我做错了很多,还有很大的进步空间;所以今天我不再说抱歉, 因为该道的歉已道。
我也不会为自己所做的感到羞耻, 因为过往的错成就了今天的我。
纵使我还没什么成就, 确实今天的我比昨天我进步了。所以, 我感谢我所犯的错。 

我说, 喜欢你的人会包容你的一切, 讨厌你的人也会奋不顾身。  这一年, 我学会了Haters are gonna hate, 谢谢你们的讨厌。八个小时前,我是多么的害怕面对自己, 所以我面对不了别人会怎么评头论足; 现在, 悉随尊便。 

部落格是我的命根,你总陪着我一起幼稚、思念、愤怒, 然后流泪、长大。 我没有把你当作赚钱工具, 反而希望透过你让我认识世界,让世界认识我。我曾经狠狠的遗弃过你, 再牢牢地抓紧你, 现在的我放不开你。它总是有这股魔力。 我每每写着写着,会打出属于的方程式,然后问题就这么地迎刃而解。
它的存在绝不是为了迎合别人的, 而是写给自己的。21岁了,再不为自己留下些点点滴滴, 累积些深度,我想我会对不起若干年后的自己。即使5年后,我会是多么的大笑现在无知的自己。 

对于家人,虽然我是多么清楚地知道他们是我强大的后盾, 但我总是报喜不报忧。我想他们没有必要承担我的悲伤, 却需要为我的喜悦画龙点睛。
弟弟说我是母老虎, 爱管他的学业、他的习性、他的整洁。 哥哥说我很野蛮, 大小姐脾气很严重。 我知道的。我在他们面前,肆无忌惮。 
请你们给我些时间, 我会更好更好, 然后家里的一切, 让我来。

我想说我这个要样貌没样貌, 要身材没身材的平凡女; 没高度、 运动白痴、不会开车、 MarketValue接近0, 唯一值得骄傲的应该是脑袋算得上是不错、努力不懈地学习方言还有因为有眉毛而不怕素颜。
他们说:看多点, 慢慢选。 我不完全认同,我感谢当时所谓‘爱情需要冲动’的那份冲动,让我为你贴上'Sold Out! Do Not Come'的标签。不抱歉地说,我不完美, 你也不完美, 但这就是Yasmin Ahmad‘s 'Funeral' Commercial说的Beautiful Imperfections。 
我们之间的小三是距离。 在槟城、吉隆坡、柔佛和彭亨之间穿梭的我们, 距离“她”总对我们不可气。 我常常把累积了一个月的思念,你常常把7个小时驾驶旅途的劳累, 在三天消化, 然后又开始累积、消化、累积... 我没有抱怨, 我怎么舍得抱怨? 
我自认何德何能, 因此这份完美我会好好cherish+ treasure.

我们n月没见了, but我们之间的小三不是距离, 而是timing。 你依旧“随传随到”, 然后让我剖白,为我分析, 然后洗涤、扭干, 加上色彩, 就这样我痊愈了。 你总是在言语里, 说出一语点醒梦中人的道理。 你说的,我会慢慢消化。 与此同时, 我自责, 没能在你溺水之际, 当个值得依靠的救生圈。

谢谢每个在我生命中扳我跌倒和扶我一把; 给于指导和称赞的人, 但愿小女子在末日之前可以好好报答。 即将踏入2013年,我想你听到的祝福语也够多了,我不会祝你事事顺利、心想事成;反之, 祝福你有足够的勇气和智慧面对新的挑战。记得,自己跌倒自己爬。

没有人挤人的倒数, 我只想用自己的方式, 许惠嬴的方式;披着头、散着发笑着等待2012年的最后一秒, 然后告诉自己,我重生了。

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Early Market: The Eye Opener

Visiting the market on weekends was one of my vivid memories I have with grandparents. Yes, the wet market. In Penang, we have lots of popular wet markets where you can see hawker stalls line up, selling all types of breakfast you would want. Beef, pork, seafood, fruits, vegetables, flowers and poultry are sold under one roof, so it basically provides everything you want. 

Last Sunday, me and the boyf visited a market of hometown which is totally different from those I used to visit when I was small. It has been awhile since I last visited a wet market. So excited I was.

Please no show me on your blog. Okay.


One of the reasons why I wanted to visit this market is the attraction of this little stall. Born and bred in Penang has caused me to lost some awesome 'kampung' childhood, that is why I can barely differentiate a chick and a duckling. Erm, I mean what is the difference between them except duck has a protruding duckbill?

the owner

Okay, I know these are chicks.

Out of focus.


RM 20/25 per rabbit. (Quite expensive I suppose?!)

Guinea Pig!

Normally, you can see red or green sprayed chicken but not on that day...

Spotted: Kill a ikan keli in one second. Not so humane way but he can do it fast.

I have never seen people selling petai.

Then here comes my favourite Murtabak. It was around 9am and we had to queue for 30 minutes to finally get our order. The queue was long and that tells how good the murtabak is. 

 Spotted: All kinds of ikan bilis. I never knew you can have that much of variety!

Ikan masin.

How can a breakfast without kuih?
Fav curry puff.


This is called Dangai.

Keropok, not a big fans tho.

His fav.

This is Apom Sarawak.

We have bought enough food and time to get back to enjoy :)

Happy girl with all the food.

And we are so near to welcoming the year of 2013. (Thank God the world is still alive and we are still here.)
Before it is too late, I would like to send my wishes to all who is reading. 
May your new year be blessed with love, peace, cheer and excitement.
Of course, I pray that you will gain some wisdom and courage in overcoming all the challenges that you might be encountered. 
Also, humbly, I hope the not-so-popular adzuki.blogspot.com has brought you some joyness throughout the year; may it be a food post, an emo post, an event post or even all sort of ranting. 
I (hope I ) have grown a little day by day together with this blog, and I promise to work harder on it to bring you the best I can.

'Having a new soul is the object of the new year.' 
Smile to the new year, everyone!

Friday, December 28, 2012

If you could spend some time on this

I always have a doubt. To wrote my posts in English or Chinese. Or either one is good. Maybe you could help me on this. I would really appreciate if you could spend 30 seconds to answer the 2-questions poll on the right sidebar. Thank you! 

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Of the Precious, in this Christmas Season

 1. The Christmas Card
From Polim. This was the first Christmas wish of the year. Thank you!

2. The Paid
After a part- time job. This helps a little in my shopping for CNY clothes.

3. The Glass Painting 

Love how they blend the Christmas elements into their masterpieces.

4. Life of Pi

Movie with Popcorn

5. The Random Shot
Red and Green, shoooo Christmas!!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

My Christmas Story

My Favourite Christmas Song 2012: Christina Perri- Meery Christmas Darling

Hola Hola! Merry Christmas everyone!
This year, Christmas and the eve were different. It is normal for a long distance couple to not celebrate any events together but as much as I would not like it, they fall on our study week, so the great point is that we got to spend some time together before start preparing for the final exams. There is not much place to hang out here as in Penang but a long waited movie could be a good make up for the eve. And yes, Life of Pi it is. Thank you Ang Lee for the great movie which I will (hopefully) write my own review on it.

As for now, I am gonna share with you my Christmas story. It might ruin your party Christmas mood so I don't mind if you choose to leave my blog cuz I am gonna start now. Growing up, I was never a girl that always caught everyone's attention nor the popular excellent girl in the school. Of course, my parents did not raise me to be an attention seeker and so, I am contended to everything I have in my life: My family, my friends, my classmates, my home....

But as I grow up, I found out that you dont really reap what you sow; you may get more, less or nothing. Life is like painting. It is not how much colours that you add but how well you could deliver and connect through your paint. The tools are much needed; the tarp, the brushes , the palette and the colour. Every step is a no turning back. And does life. Regardless of what others tell, you should always follow your heart and like your every move that you have taken.

Ever since I know God, I warn myself to always help people who needs me and to do good things that would make Him proud. But I often question, how can you stay loyal to a person who never loyal to you? They're right, my high school friends are right. You can seldom know a true friend after high school. They smile then they do some nasty thing behind you. Then you forgive. Then here they are again. When will this ever end?

Sometimes, I need some hint to define a hero. And also a villain. 

Anyhow, this Christmas, I have some questions for myself to be answered. Again, if you have read till here, I wish you the best.

Friday, December 21, 2012

适耕庄Sekinchan之旅Day 1: 热血在鱼米之乡 (updated)

哈罗哈罗, 忙完了所有Assignment,我终于有时间好好把适耕庄之旅整理整理一番。翻翻相簿, 竟然1200++ 张照片!一张张仔细欣赏, 再resize, 然后减少noise, 加上颜色等等, 以下的每一张照片都是我有血有泪又汗的证明。 (套句黄佳盈的口头禅), 读到这里,你是不是很期待呢? 虽然过了一个星期,但当一张张照片又带出好多回忆时,我只能说 年轻真好、 疯狂是必要!

那是个星期四, 当我们把这个学期最不好惹的Killer Subject- PDE test 考完后,  把行李收一收、 把课翘一翘, 就往适耕庄前进啦! 当然要谢谢1129的主人- Mr. JY, 特此送上照片一张!

1129的旅行客- couple of the day (JY, Shyan) 加三个大瓦特电灯泡(Mun, Yours Truly, YFen)

你知道吗? 远途总是我最佳的催眠良药, 一上车,我眼皮就像几斤重; 但差不多到达目的地, 我会自动精神,尤其是看到Sekinchan 的路牌时, 心情就是‘掌声加尖叫’!一个小时半的旅途把我们带到了离开雪隆繁华城市的一角, 或许是人逢喜事精神爽, 看到路边的野花(当然不要摘)我都觉得太美丽。

虽然不算长途跋涉, 但大家都饿了。 第一站Food Station 就是不知名咖啡店里的酿豆腐。虽然生意很好,但我没有觉得特别好吃,但胜在画龙点睛的辣椒酱和QQ的猪肠粉。我们的地头蛇李帅说, 咖啡店隔壁是补习中心, 所以如果你选对时间, 会有漂亮美眉养眼哦!值得一提的是,大家都说Kopi O 很棒, 所以特别推荐给喜欢咖啡的你。

两天一夜之旅, 当然需要有个落脚的地方啦! 谢谢李帅的介绍, 我们的Homestay干净、 宽敞、 便宜。 一厅四房一厨房还有很大的Outdoor空间(可以办户外活动/ BBQ), 只需要RM350 友情价。

被单是玫瑰花卉, 难为男生了。

第一天的重头戏当然是骑脚踏车绕稻田啦! 我怕怕! 怕不会平衡+ 怕脚动不到底+怕跌到+怕跟不上队伍, 什么都怕。先给你介绍出租脚踏车的地方-是AMg 红毛港餐厅, 没错是餐厅。价钱便宜,不管是单人或双人脚车, 每人只需要RM5/ hour。

话说原来的计划是我和Mun共骑一辆脚踏车;但她太轻,我太怕, 骑上脚车不到两秒,我会自动跳下来。 谢谢Mr CK 拔刀相助, 我当个轻松的第二脚车乘客, Mun也不怕被我拖累。这是我第一次亲眼看见稻田;别怪我,槟城哪有什么稻田港口的。 

看见乌云密布吗? 热血的我们没在怕, 直到雨点大颗小颗毫不客气地打在我们身上才知道事情大条了- 身上的手机和照相机该怎么办? 我们该怎么办?


但我庆幸下了这场大雨, 能够为了避雨,在大雨中把身上的力气往脚车踏板踩时间多么疯狂的经验, 套句话:再不疯狂我们就老了。


1. with Mun
2. 谢谢Mr CK 
3. Couple of the Day
4. 我来骑(假的)
5. 李帅和Mun

这样绕着稻田、学校、乡村一来一回, 不知不觉我们骑了至少6km。


大雨没有折腾我们很久, 到一家工厂等待雨停后, 就继续骑到适耕庄某庙去。 

下一站,适耕庄热浪海滩。 当然没有丁加奴的热浪到那么美丽, 但谁抵挡得了沙滩和夕阳呢?

虽然没有怎样仔细地欣赏夕阳和海滩, 但我大爱‘我爱适耕庄’这个牌子。

相当需要的梳洗一番后, 是时候来点道地适耕庄的海鲜了。喜记炒虾姑应该算是当地满出名的海鲜店, 外表看起来的确其貌不扬, 但店也不可貌相。一开始对吃晚餐没白饭有点失落, 但原来别有一番风味。


很够分量的干辣椒让新鲜的拉拉辣味十足, 很棒的是,厨师加了很多提味的猪油渣和Onion。 拉拉没有像很多地方准备的有沙粒, 或是只有壳没肉。

大爱炸Sotong! 比炸飞蝶来的yummeh!



是这家店的招牌。 没吃过整一大只的虾姑, 但这里的虾姑真的不是盖的!新鲜的虾肉加上Special的酱料,一级棒!

这一餐海鲜大餐, 比起别的地方算是很便宜, 但其实如果是比较当地的价钱算是满贵的(可能我们一脸游客脸, 因为当地人去吃好像比较便宜)。  

有兴趣的朋友可以到他们Facebook Page 看看。

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